#44 Cheating on Someone you Love

What are you asking: Is it physically possible? do you want permission? Is it a good idea? how to get away with it? In this recording of our Late Night Love Episode, we look at the science and psychology of how and why people cheat and the brain chemicals and hormones driving long-term love, sex and trust.

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#43 What is Self Love?

Can I love myself without becoming selfish? What if I don’t even like myself? How do I love myself without becoming narcissistic? We all have selfishness. It’s natural, but narcissism is unhealthy self-love. It keeps you preoccupied with yourself and cuts off from the flow of love with others. Self-compassion is healthy self-love; it keeps love with others flowing.

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#42 What is this Force called Love?

In our image saturated society, we can become preoccupied with our constructed selves, our false selves. A world of appearance is not good for the brain. Where can you get under the masks, kick off your shoes, go barefoot, and share feel good brain chemicals with people rather than be a rabbit-in-the-headlights? If you could read my mind what a tail my thought would tell? Says Gordon. We talk depression, bulimia and anorexia. To thine own self be true says Shakespeare, but do we know our true selves? Knowing our values helps

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#41 Late Night Lies 13: It's All About Appearances

In our image saturated society, we can become preoccupied with our constructed selves, our false selves. A world of appearance is not good for the brain. Where can you get under the masks, kick off your shoes, go barefoot, and share feel good brain chemicals with people rather than be a rabbit-in-the-headlights? If you could read my mind what a tail my thought would tell? Says Gordon. We talk depression, bulimia and anorexia. To thine own self be true says Shakespeare, but do we know our true selves? Knowing our values helps

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#40 Overcome Negative and Useless Thoughts (11) Think. What works for me?

Time to sum up the series and make it actually happen: overcome those useless thoughts everyday. But what works for me? Our brains are unique so unique solutions are needed. To help you find these for yourself, we delve into Brief Solution-Focussed Therapy to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t for your unique brain. Plus a few bonus techniques to celebrate.

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#36 Overcome Negative and Useless Thoughts (7) A-hah! So that's the root-cause of my thoughts

We’ll expose the roots of your useless thoughts. Are they from your childhood? Did someone else put them there? Are they driven from your unconscious mind? Psychoanalysis has some insights that are relevant to us here. We explore six insights for you to understand, accept, resolve, forgive and let go so you can choose to concentrate what’s useful.

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#27 Live student webinar. Covid addictions, relationships & motivation

In this recording of a webinar hosted by Queensland University of Technology, Senior Lecturer Dr Caroline Heim and Dr Christian Heim respond to questions from a Wellbeing Mental Health wall about concerns with isolation and addictions, relationships and motivation for students during online learning in the Covid-19 age. A Q&A at the end gives some practical tips about how to control anxiety, particularly performance anxiety.

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#26 Five steps to men’s mental health

This is Step 4 in Dr Heim's men's mental health book to help prevent depression, anxiety, addiction or suicide. Take your place in society: "I contribute, and respect can be mine." We all contribute somewhere in some way. Here, we explore just how important contributing and respect is for men.

Order the whole audio book here: https://www.amazon.com/Steps-Mens-Mental-Health-Better/dp/B099681DQ4/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1626233586&sr=8-1

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