A Psychological Tool to help prevent BURNOUT : WASH your WEB

Dr Christian Heim and Dr Caroline Heim briefly discuss vicarious trauma, the evidence-based rationale behind the WASH your WEB psychological tool, and give an overview of the tool. It is in two parts: WASH takes a few seconds pre-shift and while at work where strong emotions can accumulate; WEB takes a few minutes after your shift to help process emotions and let them go

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Christian Heim
Understanding the Mental Health Crisis and how your Relationships can save you

This talk was given at the Royal Society of NSW on 18 July 2019.

Almost 1 in 5 adults in our society is on an antidepressant and this number is rising. It is estimated that half of us will experience mental illness in our lifetime. Drawing from his 18 years of clinical experience, the latest scientific evidence and his own research, Dr Heim shares remarkable insights into why mental illness rates are soaring and gives practical advice to help prevent it in your life. In this lecture, Dr Heim helps you get the right DOSE of four healthy brain chemicals. He illustrates how relationships with people on all levels – from partners, family and friends, to people in greater society – can help us all to create mentally-healthy, pleasurable lives.

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